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September 16, 2024
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The Deep State and the system that it provides does have benefits, and there are those who advocate for it.  Many of its benefits are the ideals that are often perpetuated on the mainstream media.  These arguments revolve around standard of living, economic opportunity, western style governance, and market growth.

When Globalization is discussed, the argument around Globalization is usually limited to economics.  Those in favor of Globalization will argue in favor of the economic benefits, opportunities and equalization of goods brought to previously underserved markets.

The opponents of Globalization will point to the increasing economic inequality brought about by Globalization as it creates an almost unbridgeable gap between rich and poor.

The argument rarely delved into is the effects of Globalization on culture.  While some level of interaction between cultures is beneficial; cultures also need distance, space and division from each other so that they can survive and thrive.

Ironically, diversity can be self-defeating for cultures.  For example, if all cultures had full, unimpeded contact with each other; then they would eventually melt into a unitary culture thus destroying all others.  Globalization’s sole goal and desire is efficiency.  Given this mindset, a singular, “more efficient and evolved” culture is not a bad result for Globalists.

They argue that any culture and its necessity should be judged on factors that Globalists view as “beneficial and verifiable”.  This appears to be a logical basis for determining the value of a culture.

Globalists would also ask:

“Why wouldn’t you look to these factors?”

The response to that questions is: “People”

People are not robots nor guinea pigs where they are to be trained into a better version of themselves.  They are complex beings with paradoxically simple desires.

Even after years of evolution and change, humans still seek out the same basic pillars of life:

1) Shelter; 2) Food; and 3) Companionship.

Technological advancement is one of the main reasons that mankind has become the absolute king of the animal kingdom.  In a Globalist point of view, technological advancement is one of the most important factors for judging a society.

They have a simple, obsessive mindset of technological advancement over all else, and the more advancement then the  better the society is.

Technological advancement is positive for society; but years of technological advancements have not changed the basic pillars of shelter, food, and companionship.  People still desire these pillars above all else.

In fact, people may have been happier and more content in simpler, less developed periods.

This is where Globalization is flawed.  It is ill equipped to come to a “human” solution for society.  Globalization is tailored for capital creation and for progress no matter how breakneck the speed; but it cannot comprehend the simple, sometimes un-scientific desires of simple people.

For example, a waitress at a diner with a “basic” life may be content. This is something that does not compute for Globalization.

To Globalization, she is simply an inefficiency that should be replaced or eliminated.

Globalization will not only attack her job; but it will attack her culture as well. Globalization wants to replace both her culture and her job with what it views as more efficient replacements.

This is the doubly whammy of Globalization.

This double whammy magnifies the flaws and societal issues caused by Globalization.

Globalization is not truly concerned about culture nor a specific individual’s job; but they are collateral damage.  Globalization is primarily concerned with creating an efficient, capital creating system.  Your job may be replaced with what it views as a better job or simply replaced by automation.

Eventually, if the person, is “inefficient” to the system, then they too can be discarded.

Globalization is an evolutionary theory.  People are only elements within the system.  Globalization views people the same way that we view computers.

For the betterment of the system, outdated computers should be replaced at an ever-increasing rate.

Whole regions of the world have become landfills for these outdated models of humanity.

While the system may be thriving, pain and anger is spreading throughout society. This pain and this anger is felt disproportionately in regions like the Middle East where Globalization creates wider divisions, and it does so faster.

While in the West, Globalization is slowly destroying culture to create a supposedly more efficient version; in the East, Globalization is quickly dismantling cultures.  Globalist culture is loosely based on its version of Western culture.  This makes the culture completely foreign to those in the East, and its rapid imposition on them that much more painful and intolerable.


Following the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States needed a new enemy; and Saddam Hussein provided the perfect foil.  The Middle East was a perfect battleground.  It was a violent, turbulent region without much danger to the United States nor much emotional attachment for Americans.

Persian Gulf War I created the template of the Deep State’s “Forever War” playbook.

To Simplify the playbook, it was comic book foreign policy.

Create a super villain, and then the United States would be the superhero to come in for the rescue.

After the Cold War, movies and popular culture started to increasingly concentrate on World War II.  Hitler remained fresh in everyone’s memories.  The villains would almost always overtly or subtly be compared to Hitler.

By 1991, Saddam Hussein had already ruled Iraq for over a decade, and was no threat to the United States.  In fact, he had served as a US ally throughout most of the 1980s.

Suddenly in 1991, he was the second coming of Hitler.

With a WWF-like Heel Push, overnight, Saddam Hussein became the greatest evil on earth.  Up to that date, most people in the United States had never heard of Saddam nor did they even know where Iraq was.

Out of nowhere, weeks of intense, blithering media programs blitzed the American populace.  The impression was created that the United States had to act to take on this middling power on the other side of the world or the newly founded sole Superpower would somehow suffer.

This war enabled the US to assert itself as Globalization’s policeman against rogues like Saddam. (In reality, it was the Globalists/Deep Statists using the United States for their own benefit).

It also showcased the US’s awesome firepower to anyone who pondered rebellion against the system. At the end, a New World Order was announced, and the era of Globalization was upon us.  An era, which was jealously protected and shepherded by the Deep State.

At this point, the US was THE POWER in the world.

It was: 1)Respected; 2)Admired; 3) Feared; and 4)Competent.

No one dared to significantly challenge the US.  Ironically, a country that was founded on rebelling against empire, had taken over the reigns and legacy of the very empire that it had rebelled against.  Moreover, it had led that empire to new heights.

For the first time in the history of the world, there was a truly universal empire.

Quite an accomplishment for a country started out by a small band of individuals looking for freedom.  Through the greatest system known in history and a hardworking and talented population, the United States had come to dominate the world in two short centuries of existence.

It did so with a simple yet powerful creed of liberty and freedom.

In many ways, the US was the unwilling emperor.

Its newfound global domination was an antithesis to its founding principles.  This was a country that was founded to be a republic and not an empire.

This quintessential identity question for the United States was no conundrum for the Deep State.  The Deep State knew what it wanted, and through its think tanks it sought to create an ideology to justify its actions and its empire.

After Persian Gulf War 1, the US decided to keep Saddam Hussein around as a foil.  This was beneficial for the needs of the Deep State. From time to time, they would feel the need to smack him around.  Meanwhile, the global empire of the United States hummed along; but interfering in the Middle East was not without consequence.

Enemies were created.

Some of these enemies joined together to create Islamist groups.  As Globalization exterminated cultures worldwide, religion took on a new meaning and a new function.  Religion became the last bastion for these dying cultures.

For many in the Middle East, religion became a point of commonality to rally around.  An important aspect of their culture which was being eradicated.  It served as both a memory of a quickly disappearing past that they hungered for, and a unifying force against a clearly emerging global world that they did not desire.

This made religion an explosively effective tool in the region.  A tool that was ready made to be exploited by those with their own initiatives.

The most famous example is Osama Bin Laden (“OBL”).  OBL was an angry and murderous individual.  OBL tapped into the pain and anger within Middle Eastern society to stoke rage.  Violence, Destruction, and Murder were his only solutions; and he used this rage to commit mass murder.  However, this only served the interest of the Deep State.

Soon, 9/11 would become a turning point in history.


  • Middle Eastern Point of View on Israel

In essence, the crusades were a conflict between Muslims and Christians for control of Jerusalem.  The conflict did not fully end after Muslim victory.  Eventually, Middle Eastern countries found themselves colonized.  They were divided up. Borders were drawn and Fake Countries were created.

In modern times, this resulted in Middle Eastern governments that were puppets of foreign powers.

This also leads us to Israel.  In the case of Israel, the West was able to create a colony.  This colony served the same objective as the crusades in the middle ages.

Israel is a very controversial topic.  There are numerous debates that surround it.  Whatever one’s opinion of Israel and the debates that surround it; the Middle Eastern point of view is clear.

To Middle Easterners, it is a country of Western Immigrants that belongs in the New World, but it is smack dab in the Oldest Part of the World.

To Middle Easterners, this country simply does not fit.

This is not the sole issue that Middle Easterners have with Israel; but there are a multitude of others as well:

  • There was no such thing as Israel or anything resembling it in any part of modern Middle Eastern history. There was no continuation between the ancient state of Israel that existed and the people who live there now. The modern-day Israelis are very much divorced from the Ancient State of Israel.  In fact, even by the time of the Crusades, the battle in this region was between Muslims and Christians.  The Jewish Populations were non-combatants for the most part..
  • While there are Jewish Populations who lived in the Middle East and in the area, which became Israel; the people who came to this new state were mostly European Immigrants. They were simply NOT Middle Eastern.
  • For Middle Easterners, the way in which the Country was founded is also an issue. Many of the Jewish immigrants came to Palestine as Refugees. They clearly admitted that they were going to Palestine.  After coming to Palestine, almost overnight, they claimed that it was NO longer Palestine and that it was now their country. This would be like waking up one day and Syrian Immigrants claiming that Sweden is now “Syriaden”.
  • Given what many of the European Jews had suffered during World War II, they almost subconsciously made the Palestinians pay in retribution. With shades of apartheid South Africa, the European Immigrants created inferior zones for the indigenous Palestinians to live in.

In short, Middle Easterners view Israel as a combination of the Crusades, Colonialism, Apartheid, and Nazism.  All rolled into one.  The Palestinians became trapped in a vicious cycle where they would either stay quiet and slowly lose everything or fight back and suffer extremely punitive punishment.

This is a brief synopsis of the Middle Eastern point of view towards Israel and the conflict.  This point of view paints a painful picture of oppression.  This conflict is also connected to and reminds Middle Easterners of their historical wounds and grievances.  Moreover, Israel serves as an emblem of the ongoing manner in which the Middle East has been treated.

Given these factors and this point of view, the Palestinian cause became the underlying impetus for many of the issues in the region as it crystalized for Middle Easterners their belief in the destruction of their freedoms, liberties and rights by outsiders.

For this reason, it is impossible to move onto the other circumstances of the Middle East without first understanding the Israeli issue from the Middle Eastern perspective.  In fact, given how this conflict is interwoven with other issues in the region, it would be impossible to understand the other issues without first understanding how Israel fits in.

  • Impact on current Environment/Circumstances of the Middle East

The United States has set out two basic requirements for Middle Eastern countries to follow: Provide Oil and Support the Israeli colony.

Subservient states that fulfill these requirements are lavishly rewarded; but those who fail to abide are severely punished.  This means that the people in the Middle East are caught in a painful situation.  They are powerless to stop Israel from committing what they view as crimes against their fellow native populations, and their governments are unable or unwilling to give them a voice.

By the start of the 21st Century, most Middle Eastern governments were either subservient puppets or strange dictatorships who would talk about standing up to foreign intervention in the region but were only able to exercise power against their own populations.

Neither government allowed the people to truly support their fellow indigenous populations in Palestine nor to stand up to the foreign intervention.  The only exception was post-revolutionary Iran, which was a peculiar product of time and place.



In the heat of the Cold War, the world was either Pro US or Pro Soviet.  During this time, Iran made a fateful decision to revolt, and against all odds it was able to have a successful revolution.  The revolution had many excesses; but at its core was one important guiding principle: Sovereignty.

While shaky and under constant threat, Iran obtained sovereignty; and it asserted itself as neither Pro-US nor Pro-Soviet.  This was a very scary and dangerous concept for the US.  Also, for Iran’s Arab neighbors, who had forever hated Iran, they could not bear the thought of a sovereign country in their midst.

Due to these circumstances, Iraq was ordered to attack Iran.  Saddam, who at this point was a US ally, dutifully obliged looking to take home the spoils of war (land, oil, etc.).  With the support of almost the entire world, Saddam was able to unleash an unremitting and powerful attack against Iran.

Iran, without much support outside of some small assistance from Syria, was able to withstand based on the power of its belief and nationalism.

After the final Iraqi barrage ceased, Iran emerged weak but still sovereign. It had not lost any of its soil.  Iran started to slowly rebuild itself.  By the time of 9/11, Iran had elected a Reformist President and had made significant strides in rebuilding. It was also seeking for a new start internationally.


“For every action, there is an equal or greater reaction”

Nazism rose in response to the mistreatment of Germany after World War I; Zionism rose up as a reaction to Nazism; Islamism rose up as a reaction to Zionism.

With political movements unable to give any voice to the people in the Middle East, many increasingly turned to religion.  As religion became politicized and militarized, it became the only vehicle for people to express the despair that they faced.

The Clinton years were the golden years for the rise of Globalization and for the Deep State.  While economically much of the world enjoyed this period; those outside the system were routinely targeted.  Often, they were labeled as rogue, and then bombed.  The term “rogue” also is very insightful in how the Deep States divides the world into those who are obedient and those who are rogues.

Saudi Arabia was a state that sought to be the U.S.’s best friend and which was desperately dependent on the United States.  Meanwhile, the people in the home of Islam were struggling to cope with the attack on their culture brought on by Globalization and with the various issues/problems in the region.

This led to the rise of Al-Qaeda.  Al Qaeda marketed itself as an alternative to the Global system.


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