Economic and Free-Trade Zones
The trend towards globalization has been ever increasing. Economic borders have been shrinking. This is primarily due to trade zones, i.e. NAFTA, Euro, Trans Pacific-Partnership and many regional ones. These type of trade agreements are often criticized. The criticism centers around the terms of the agreement. Countries feel like they are not getting a fair […]

Why Luxury Has Lost All Meaning
What makes real estate luxury? “Luxury” is an over used word because it has lost all meaning. Everything is luxury. Or at least that’s how things are marketed. So what is luxury? Getting what you want, when you want it, the best of whatever it is and if you can’t think of anything then just […]

What to invest in?
Solar, media, cryptocurrencies, medical marijuana, tech, real estate. Even the limited aforementioned list leaves out so many choices and evaluating them can be overwhelming. Start here. A Global Market Place What is the global market place look like? How are the economies of different regions, countries and major industries doing? Marco. Global trends and forces. […]